
Text summarizer helps you summarize long texts using AI. You can instantly create a summary while keeping the core meaning of the text.


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0  Sentences


How to Use Summarizer?

Enter Input Text

Begin by typing or pasting your original text into the designated area.

Click “Summarize” Button

Once you've typed your text, just hit "summarize" to shorten it quickly.

Get Output Text

In just moments quickly review and use the newly summarized text.

Table of Contents

Summarizer tool condenses lengthy texts into concise summaries using advanced AI technology. It is ideal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to summarize text effectively.

The tool quickly understands the context of any document or article before providing an accurate summary. It simplifies research, study, and information gathering, making comprehension faster and more efficient. Students can use it to study and review key concepts, while professionals can summarize reports and presentations to extract key ideas.

You can easily find our Summarizer tool on Google or by directly typing the URL "" in your search bar.

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